divendres, 3 de novembre del 2017



Christmas is comming... and we're getting ready for it!

So, here you can listen and start practicing the christmas carols we are going to sing... very soon!!

I hope you enjoy them! :) 

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

dilluns, 9 d’octubre del 2017

WeLCoME back Everybody

Hello dear students!! 

 We're back to keep on learning English! So we wanted to say WELCOME to everybody and remind you some things! 

Students of 1st grade will have Lidia as a teacher

Students of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade will have Silvia as a teacher

Students of 5th and 6th grade will have Neus as a teacher (although some of them will have CLIL with Silvia too!)

We would like to remind 2nd, 3rd and 4th students, they can change their classdojo avatar following these easy steps:

Here you have your codes, remember to choose the correct one!

2nd A
2nd B


3rd A

3rd B

4th A


See you soon! :)

dimarts, 31 de gener del 2017


Today the students of 6thB have started the project. During this week they are going to work really hard. They are going to look for some information about some important people of the Contemporary Age and they are going to investigate about the country of this famous person.

The imporant people they are going to study are:

- Steve Jobs
- Thomas Edison
- Michael Jackson
- Stephen Hawking
- Jonhny Deep

 Next week we will write about how our has finished and about the most important aspects!

 Here you have some pictures of the work in the class today.

We hope you enjoy!

dilluns, 30 de gener del 2017


Durant this week some groups have started the project and they are going to work a lot!

The students of Superior Cycle are going to study the Contemporay Age and the Modern Age.

We are really motivated and we are working really hard!

Here you have a film about the discovery of America.

This film can help us to understand better how was the life in the Modern Age.