dilluns, 4 de febrer del 2019

Dear students,

Let's revise the comparative and superlative form of the adjective!

Dear students,

As we are studing the comparativa and the superlative form of the adjective, here you have some websites ro revise this new grammar structure.

CLICK HERE to revise!

dilluns, 15 d’octubre del 2018

Dear students!

Here you have the code you need to use to have access to some materials of our new books:


CLICK HERE to enter the code to have access to the materials of the new books!

dilluns, 14 de maig del 2018


Last Friday, the boys and girls of 2nd grade went to Sant Jordi school to meet our partners!

We celebrated the English day, and we enjoyed it a lot! here you have some pictures!

dijous, 22 de març del 2018

Easter homework

Boys and girls of 3rd grade (or whoever interested in it!)

Here you have the videos to revise the vocabulary and structrures we have been working these days.
I hope you enjoy singing and if you are brave, practicing the role playings at home! :)

Happy easter!!

VIDEO 1: Excuse me, where is the...?

VIDEO 2: In, on under


dijous, 18 de gener del 2018


Hello everybody!

Here you have the description we saw in class, you can use it as an example to do yours!

Family tree

This is the family tree I showed you in class,

You can use it as an example to do yours!

dilluns, 15 de gener del 2018

English Day 2nd grade with Sant Jordi school

This week, the boys and girls from Sant Jordi school received a packet from our school!

We sent them our definitions and pictures, to let them guess who where their partners in our school, and they did it prettly well!!

In these pictures you can see how fun it was!